

Xinyi experiences a humid subtropical climate. It’s generally characterized by hot, humid summers and chilly, damp winters.

In the summer (June to August), temperatures in Xinyi typically range from around 25 to 35 degrees Celsius (77 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit). It can get quite hot and sticky during these months, with occasional heavy rainfall and thunderstorms.

During the winter (December to February), temperatures drop significantly, averaging between 0 to 10 degrees Celsius (32 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit). It’s cold and damp during this time, with occasional snowfall or sleet.

Spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) are transition seasons. Spring is usually mild and pleasant, with temperatures gradually warming up. Autumn sees temperatures cooling down from the summer heat, with comfortable weather and colorful foliage.

In terms of precipitation, Xinyi receives moderate to high rainfall throughout the year, with the wettest months typically being from April to July. This rainfall helps maintain the lush vegetation in the area.

What To Pack

Remember to adjust the packing list according to your personal needs and the specific activities you plan to engage in. Additionally, always check the weather forecast before your trip to ensure you’re adequately prepared for any changes in conditions. Don’t forget that the items you will need can also be bought in the nearest town. If you pack your suitcase by keeping in mind that this is a Kung Fu training academy and not a holiday camp or a five-star hotel, you will be able to pack more efficiently. You can find a detailed packing list on our Before You Come page.

What We Provide

  • Welcome kit: bottle of water, toilet paper, welcome letter
  • Bedding, including seasonal blankets/sheets, pillow, and fan for summer, electric heating blanket for winter.
  • One kung fu school uniform
  • Kung fu training staff for long-term students (3 months or more)
  • Extra training clothes, shoes and gears can be ordered online with help of our staff

Essential Items

  • Passport and passport photos
  • Power adapters
  • Bank cards for ATM and cash for exchange
  • Towels (small and large) for shower
  • Medications and toiletries
  • Non-training clothing (for weekend excursions)
  • Optional: Books/reading tablet in your preferred language
  • Optional: Laptop for watching movies/surfing the net
  • Optional: VPN for accessing international sites (ex: Google, Facebook, etc.). VPN should be downloaded before entering China.


March to May
  • Lightweight, breathable training clothing for warm days.
  • Layered clothing for fluctuating temperatures, including long-sleeved shirts and sweaters.
  • Comfortable running shoes for outdoor activities.
  • Sunscreen to protect against sunburn.
  • Sunglasses and a hat for sun protection (not to be worn during training).
  • Rain jacket or poncho for occasional showers.
  • Water bottle to stay hydrated during outdoor activities.
  • Insect repellent to ward off mosquitoes and other bugs.


June to August
  • Light, breathable clothing such as moisture-wicking shirts and shorts. Light-colored shorts/pants are not recommended due to sweat making them transparent.
  • Sandals or lightweight shoes for weekend excursions.
  • Comfortable running shoes for outdoor activities.
  • Sunglasses and a hat for sun protection (not to be worn during training).
  • Sweat-proof sunscreen with high SPF for extended outdoor activities.
  • Large water bottle to stay hydrated during outdoor activities.
  • Lightweight rain jacket or poncho for sudden rain showers.


September to November
  • Lightweight, breathable training clothing for warm days.
  • Layered clothing for fluctuating temperatures, including long-sleeved shirts and sweaters.
  • Comfortable running shoes for outdoor activities.
  • Hat and gloves for cooler days.
  • Rain jacket or windbreaker for occasional showers.
  • Water bottle to stay hydrated during activities.


December to February
  • Warm, insulated clothing including thermal underwear, sweaters, and a heavy coat.
  • Hat, scarf, and gloves for cold weather. Thin gloves are suggested for training, thicker for after class.
  • Comfortable running shoes for outdoor activities.
  • Waterproof boots or shoes for walking on wet or snowy terrain.
  • Hand warmers or heat packs for extra warmth.
  • Hot water thermos for staying warm and hydrated.