Category Maling Academy

A Journey to the Heart of Shaolin: Maling Shaolin Kung Fu Academy’s Visit to the Shaolin Temple and Beyond

Join Maling Shaolin Kung Fu Academy students on an unforgettable journey to the heart of Shaolin kung fu. From the historic Shaolin Temple and meeting Grandmaster Shi De Yang to hiking the breathtaking Songshan Mountains and exploring the ancient Luoyang's Longmen Grottoes, this trip offers a deep dive into China's rich martial and cultural heritage.

The Tradition of Student Cleaning in Asian Schools: A Focus on China

the role of student cleaning in Asian schools
Did you know that in many Asian countries, including China, students are responsible for cleaning their schools? This tradition goes beyond just maintaining cleanliness; it teaches valuable life skills and cultural values. From instilling a sense of responsibility and discipline to fostering a strong work ethic and respect for labor, participating in cleaning activities benefits students in more ways than one. Even the renowned Shaolin Temple, birthplace of Zen Buddhism and martial arts, incorporates cleaning practices into its disciples' daily routines. Discover the educational, cultural, and spiritual significance of student cleaning in this fascinating exploration.