A Journey to the Heart of Shaolin: Maling Shaolin Kung Fu Academy’s Visit to the Shaolin Temple and Beyond

In early September 2024, Master Bao and the students of Maling Shaolin Kung Fu Academy embarked on an unforgettable journey to the birthplace of Shaolin kung fu. This trip, rich in both history and physical challenge, provided students with a deeper connection to the roots of their training, an opportunity to meet revered masters, and a firsthand experience of the cultural heritage embedded in China’s landscapes and temples.

Day 1: Arrival in Dengfeng and Kung Fu Schools Tour

The group departed from the academy in the morning and arrived in Dengfeng, the heart of Chinese martial arts, by 1:30 pm. The first stop was the kung fu school of Grandmaster Shi De Qian, who was Master Bao‘s first mentor. Although Grandmaster Shi De Qian has passed on, his school has been entrusted to Master Bao’s kung fu brother, Master Hu. The students were treated to an impromptu performance by the school’s performance team, which showcased a dazzling array of traditional kung fu styles, including various animal forms—an integral aspect of Shaolin martial arts that reflects the philosophical and spiritual connection between humans and nature.

Next, the group visited Tagou Martial Arts School, the largest kung fu school in China, with over 30,000 students. It was a special moment for Master Bao as he reconnected with his former educational teacher (though not a martial artist), Mr. Dong. Students performed the Seven Star Fist (Qī Xīng quán), which they had diligently practiced over the past few days. Tagou, founded in the early 20th century, has played a significant role in modernizing and popularizing traditional Shaolin kung fu while maintaining its core principles.

The day ended with some light shopping, where students explored local kung fu supply stores and purchased traditional weapons, clothing, and other souvenirs, eager to bring a piece of Dengfeng back with them.

Day 2: Immersing in Shaolin History

The second day was devoted entirely to exploring the legendary Shaolin Temple, the cradle of Shaolin kung fu and Zen Buddhism. After a tour of the temple grounds, rich with stories of its 1,500-year-old history, the students had the rare honor of meeting Grandmaster Shi De Yang, head of the Shaolin Temple Warrior Monks. This was a momentous occasion for the students, as Grandmaster Shi De Yang is one of the most revered figures in the kung fu world. The group demonstrated the Seven Star Fist for the Grandmaster, who provided guidance on their movements, allowing them to refine their technique under his expert eye.

After paying respects to the Grandmaster, the students explored the Pagoda Forest, a spiritual resting place for the revered monks of the Shaolin Temple. This tranquil site, dotted with ancient stone pagodas, commemorates centuries of Shaolin warriors and spiritual leaders, including the previous Grandmasters.

The day concluded with an exhilarating and challenging hike from the Shaolin Temple to Sanhuang Village, a remote village nestled in the Songshan Mountains. The trail featured thousands of steps, cliff-side paths, and bridges, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. This climb was not just a physical challenge but a symbolic journey, connecting the students with the spiritual heights that Shaolin represents.

In the evening, the group attended the Shaolin Zen Music Ritual, a spectacular open-air performance held against the stunning backdrop of the Song Mountains. The fusion of martial arts, Zen philosophy, traditional Chinese music, and dance created an awe-inspiring experience, showcasing the rich cultural legacy of the Shaolin Temple in a mesmerizing display of art and discipline.

Day 3: Cultural Exploration in Luoyang

On the third day, the group traveled to Luoyang, one of China’s ancient capitals, renowned for its historical significance. The day was spent exploring Luoyang Laocheng History Culture Old Street, a bustling thoroughfare filled with traditional shops, historical artifacts, and the remnants of Luoyang’s illustrious past. Visits to the Guanlin Museum and the Luoyang Ancient Tombs Museum provided students with deeper insights into Chinese history, particularly the burial customs and artifacts of the Tang and Han dynasties.

Later, many students participated in a hanfu experience, dressing up in elaborate traditional costumes. This experience was much more than just putting on clothes; it was an immersion into ancient Chinese culture, complete with historical hair and makeup!

In the evening, dressed in their hanfu, the students visited the Mingtang and Tingtang historical buildings, and concluded the day with an evening show that brought to life the grandeur of ancient Luoyang.

Day 4: The Magnificent Longmen Grottoes

The final day of the trip took the group to the Longmen Grottoes, a UNESCO World Heritage site located near Luoyang. These breathtaking rock-cut caves contain thousands of Buddhist statues, reliefs, and inscriptions, many of which date back to the Northern Wei and Tang dynasties. The intricate carvings reflect the artistic achievements and deep devotion of ancient China, as well as the historical spread of Buddhism.

Across the river from the grottoes, the group discovered Xiangshan Temple, which offered aerial views of the grottoes and provided an opportunity to learn more about the history and significance of the region. After a quick meal, the group began their journey back to the academy, tired but enriched by the profound experiences of the trip.

This trip to the Shaolin Temple and surrounding areas was an invaluable opportunity for Maling Shaolin Kung Fu Academy’s students. Through the performances, the steep mountain climbs, and the meetings with martial arts masters, the students not only tested their physical endurance but also deepened their understanding of the rich cultural and spiritual traditions that lie at the heart of Shaolin kung fu. The knowledge and inspiration gained from this journey will no doubt resonate in their training and their lives for years to come.

Learn more about the Shaolin Temple:

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